Petition filed against Pakistani Senator Farhat Ullah
The Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan, |
(Constitutions Jurisdictions Rights)
Constitution Petition
Rights Commission for South Asia.
Through: By all means Syed Muhammad Iqbal Kazmi,
Representative Human Rights Commission South Asia,
presently performing his services voluntarily as
Correspondent Human Rights Commission South Asia
Address: First Floor Court View Building, M.A.
Jinnah Road Karachi.
No: 0323-9251733 …….Petitioner.
In the
Names of:- (Following Respondents from S.No.1
to S.No.7)
Federal Government of Pakistan,
Through: The Secretary Ministry of Law, Justice&
Human Rights,
Block S & R Pak Secretariat Islamabad,
Phone No: 51-9201244, 9210062, and 9211428.
The Secretary,
Committee for Human Rights Senate of Pakistan,
Parliament House Islamabad
No: 51-9022022
The Election Commission of Pakistan,
Sharah-e-Tasdoor Islamabad,
No: 51-9219139.
Mr. Farhatullah Babar (Senator)
No.F-7/4 St-52, 24-A, Islamabad
Phone No.051-2655589.
The Director General Pakistan Rangers (Sindh)
Head Quarter Muslim Jinnah Court Building,
Dr: Zia-ud-din Ahmed Road Karachi
Phone No. 21-99205285-87
The Chairman PEMRA
Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority,
St-51, G-8-1,G-8 Islamabad
Phone No.(51) 9107151-3,
The Chief Executive Officer “Dawn” (News T.V.
11, Dackyard Road West Whraf Industrial Area Karachi
Constitutional Petition under Article 184(3) of
Constitution of Pakistan 1973 of Islamic Democratic
of Pakistan
The International Monitoring Organization’s (IMO)
subsidiary Institution i.e. Human Rights Commission
for South Asia has been come into existence in 1912
and established in same year, the International
Secretariat of which set-up at Stockholm, Sweden.
The I.M.O. has been registered at Sweden in 1987,
bearing Registration No.802013-0986. The Human
Rights Commission for South Asia’s Registration No.
is SNI-94990 as Subsidiary of I.M.O (Annex-A)
2- The Role & Objectives of Human Rights
Commission for South Asia to clean & pellucid the
depraved environmental Society, assisting the People
victimized of inhuman behavior, eradicating current
preferential treatment in group of persons and to
provide justice in South Asian Countries. There is a
definite difference among Human Rights Commission
South Asia & other N.G.Os. The Human Rights
Commission for South Asia does not collect Funds in
the manner of other N.G.Os, it merely focuses on
monitoring & protecting basic rights in accordance
with Regional Laws & Constitution. The HRCSA & its
representatives accomplish services voluntarily by
self-auxiliary. It draws up its reports regarding
Government efficiency & performance ravishing of
Human Rights ardors of N.G.Os and also sends the
same to U.N.O., UNICEF, and European Union including
Heads of States of respective Countries. The HRCSA’s
Chairman is Mr. John Erikkson. The Petitioner Syed
Muhammmad Iqbal Kazmi has been representing Pakistan
since 2008. The Chairman HRCSA has invested an
authority for submitting Petition to him, making
term of reference with honorable court in the best
interest of common men & institution (Annex-B).
The following dignitaries are representing HRCSA
rendering their services:-
A) Mohterma Rathermamavi in India,
B) Mr. Rehmatullah Yousafzai in
Afghanistan R/O Khost City Markazi Bazar Pakhtiya
(Afghanistan) where other Namesake (Rehimullah
Yousafi) is performing as Prominent
Journalist in Peshawar. He does not
represent HRCSA or does he have any connection
with us. The relevancy in the name
can not be accounted towards representation.
Mr. Muhammad Yasin Azad in Bangla Dash.
Mr. Pershandar yaal in Nepal.
Mr. Ajit Singh in Sri Lanka.
representatives are the citizen and abode from their
respective Countries.
Background for submitting legal petition
The Human Rights Commission for South Asia has been
reported on “Zarb-e-Azb” and splendid achievements &
success of Pak Army comprehensively particular to
Pakistan Rangers at Karachi including Sindh province
for up-rooting the crimes, eradicating terrorism and
proper action against corrupt elements plundering
National Wealth. This Report has been broadcasted
displaying at Website pertaining to Human Rights
Commission for South Asia (
5. According to News information appeared in
Newspaper, the report of HRCSA has been presented by
Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) before the Senate Committee
for Pakistan Human Rights.
6. An Electronic Channel (Private T.V.
Channel) namely “Dawn” has telecasted Urdu
Programmed “Zara Hat Kai”, whose penal of discussion
consisted on:-
Director Alia Chughtai
Anchor Mr. Mubassar Zaidi
Zarar Khooro
Mr. Farhatullah Babar Member of Human Rights
of Senate Committee
Duration of Programmed consisting to (22)
Time of Discussion/Debate from 11.04 PM to
11.26 PM (Annex-D)
7. The Pak armed Force’s prominent
Institution “Pakistan Rangers” & Human Rights
Commission South Asia were remained surrounded with
defamation till (22) Minutes. The
Program “Zara Hat Kai” had been watched by numerous
spectators & being kept watching on “You tube”
8. The private T.V. Channel “Dawn” and its
Program “Zara Hat Kai” telecasted on dated 16 Aug
2016 whose participant of Member Human Rights
Committee of Pakistan Senate, Senator Farhatullah
Babar mentioned at S.No.4 of this Petition (Party to
the Petition) blurted out the Report false
jestingly & bigotry, fixing the HRCSA spurious as
well. In this way the Conduct & Role of Human Rights
Commission for South Asia have been got sullied. The
recorded C.D. of Program along with verbatim written
Script as (Annex-D & D-1) .
9. The Party to Petition at S.No.4 in
Electronic & Print Medias particularly in Private
T.V. Channel “Dawn” has been spoken falsely during
the Program “Zara Hat Kai”, hence he prima facie
proved not to be truthful, sincere & faithful
10. While fixing the report of HRCSA as false
and making splendid success achieved by Pak Army in
“Operation Zarb-e-Azb” as controversial. The
Pakistan Rangers at Karachi including Sindh Province
for up-rooting the crimes, eradication of terrorism
and action against corrupt Elements who plundered
National Wealth with both hands in particular. The
Respondent has prima facie taken politics steps to
sabotage the perseverance against all aforesaid
malafide implementation.
11. The Party to Petition at S.No.7. The
“Dawn” (T.V. Channel) Anchor, Mr. Mubassar Zaidi
has, on the eve of staring the Program “Zara Hat
Kai” said “Babar Sahib welcome to the Show, please
tell us “what are you saying that the Armed Forces
may be suffered a reverse by this answer”? Hence
tell me that on what grounds you have rejected this
12. The Respondent at S.No.4 of the Petition
has replied “The whole thing is that we have been
convened a meeting of our Human Rights Committee of
Senate in previous month and what ever alleged
violation (Human Rights Violation) occurred at
Karachi particularly a Person (Accused) namely Aftab,
his custodian Death, than we were talked on this
Report. The representative of Rangers said “Look at
their way of working that an International Human
Rights Commission has also verified…… & issued a
statement in our support……we amazed on this……&
said….that have you possessed the Report of
Commission.. than he also read on same extracts of
Commission report.. At that time we have not been
possessed the report of Commission…..but type of
extracts have been read…..its construction & flow of
English was such like that I got suspicious . The
sentences look one sided….. & one an International
Human Rights Commission…. It is well that….Armed
Force institution…….. I am talking about that
allegation by a Political Party…. than a huge
detriment… Members of Human Rights Committee. I did
not hear the name of this Commission before & this
is our negligence that we are unknown its
whereabouts…..little while…send us its report with
details so that we may get into contact, so we also
come to know that such institution are in existence
who investigates in such manner, than by little
while in what manner they investigated this……. So
that whenever Human Rights violation occurred we do
keep in sight such like lines. We were not had an
evil intension But I wanted to know that “what is
the matter”?
13 The Party to Petition at S.No.4. The
Respondent has, while open repudiating his
parliamentary Oath position, perjury, falsehood,
malice to Armed Forces under clause 62 subsidiary
Section “F” of Constitution of Pakistan said that I
opened the Website …..I could have been collected
the information……..There found two important
information….. At first there were displayed the
names of their two representatives, one of them is a
prominent Journalist at Peshawar, an authentic
Celebrity, credible absolute clear from any doubt
i.e. Mr. Rahimullah Yousafzai & he (Respondent at
S.No.4) checks out that Mr. Yousafzai’s name
appears under our HRCSA Website at Afghanistan .
name is from Sindh Province i.e. Mr. Hilal Usmani
representing from Sindh who reports internal affairs
relating to Human Rights in Pakistan. Let us talk
purview of HRCSA in Pakistan. The Phone of
Correspondent representing Sindh (Mr. Hilal Usmani)
is not available and mail receiving on his Email
directly reached to us (Domain) but not delivered to
14. The Email Addresses displayed on our
Website of HRCSA are of auto reply system. The
messages which are being received acknowledging &
answering automatically. This practice has been
continuing since many years. This is also obtainable
through Domain report. (Annex-E)
15. No any claim was existed in our Website
from HRCSA. We are also maintaining status quo
16. The Respondent at S.No.4 has neither been
sent any mail nor got into contract HRCSA, Head
17. The Respondent at S.No.4 has himself
fabricated the name of Rehimullah Yousafzai R/O
Peshawar & attachment with HRCSA. The Respondent
(S.No.4) has given corroborative evidence by saying
that he has himself conversed with Rahimullah
Yousafzai “Do you have the membership of HRCSA…. &
what are your entrusted assignment “ I wanted to
talk little with you”….Yousafzai ultimately answered
that I have not been got any membership from any
Human Rights Commission not managed enough for the
purpose…” Your name appears on Website representing
from Afghanistan as you know….” Mr. Rahimullah
Yousafzai is an expertise over affairs of
Afghanistan” Further added “Yes your name given
about this very reference” thus I wanted to know if
the reports in question possessed by you” “My own
opinion was that such prominent Journalist (Mr.
Rahimullah Yousafzai) working & appertaining with
them, the institution celebrity enhances…… Mr.
Rahimullah Yousafzai expressed his amazement... that
as to how they displayed his name without getting
permission from him… “I have no concern with any
Human Rights Commission”… He refuted it rigidly.
18. The Respondent to Petition at S.No.4 has
while showing dishonest, falsehood disgracing the
Armed Force (Pakistan Rangers), violating
Constitution completely under Article 63 subsidiary
Clause “G” said “Taken wrong step…this is an
ordinary matter…although it is serious matter yet I
may perhaps ignore the same. The important issue is
that who delivered this Report to Pakistan Rangers…
& it is obvious ….. This Institution is forged….. If
Institution is not genuine…. It displays the name of
prominent Journalist on the Website and the
concerned Journalist announces his irrelevancy then
it is obvious that celebrity along with institution
may cast suspicious in South Asia…. Now if the
report picked up by unknown person and handed over
to Pakistan Rangers…… and Rangers may themselves
make the report publicly and say that look my dear
sir, we are doing absolute right… the damage so
done…. Ranger’s celebrity who is the institution of
Armed Force and whose celebrity affects badly nobody
would in belief & gull in saying of Rangers… The
purport of my words is that bringing such report of
HRCSA for public view allegedly…whenever the Rangers
try to enhance its grace & weight, the Institution
Human Rights proves to be bogus & it does not
establish safe sound wherefrom the big question mark
rises upon the Rangers & Human Rights.
19. The Party to petition at S.No.4 has been
settled HRCSA as spurious during debate in T.V.
Program by falsehood and hostility along with Pak
Army, showing open deviation from under Constitution
of Pakistan article 62 subsidiary Clause “F” and
contrary to his swearing official Parliamentary
20. The Party to petition at S.No.4 has,
while lying jestingly & refusal to Article 62 of
Constitution of Pakistan subsidiary Clause “F” and
contrary to his swearing official Parliamentary
Oath, made statement to National Newspapers which
were published in various Dailies resulting
hammering the reputation & good-will of HRCSA badly.
21. The Respondent at S.No.4 has been stated
falsely, contrary to his official Parliamentary Oath
that “I tried to contact on telephone directly but I
could not find the number” The telephone of HRCSA
are remained on constantly and every moment. If
there may be no contact, an auto-machine within the
telephone records the Message and replies
The Party to petition at S. No.7. The
Respondent (Anchor) has, while saying in jestingly
falsely and contrary to his obligation in spiritual
values of Journalist, misbehaving the role & conduct
of HRCSA, been settled that he felt…. The HRCSA…..has
been duped the Rangers.
23. The Respondent at S.No.7 (Anchor) has
been assented in this Program that how wonderful is
HRCSA….but it has displayed the Press Releases…..HRCSA
has also collected NEPRA Tariff & Aid control
material in Pakistan….such like talks. It is evident
from the assents that they had also been aware about
24. The Respondents at S.No.4 & S.No.7.
Both the Parties were arranged pre-plan regarding
the Program in tenting to misbehave, misconduct the
Pak Armed Force & simultaneous declaring Human
Rights Commission South Asia as spurious.
25. The Party to Petition to S.No.4 &
S.No.7. Both the Respondents have been put in black
& white at Screen preamble Program in block Letter
as under:-
“Rangers # One
Report # Two (Spurious)”
26. The Party to Petition at S.No.7. The
Respondent must have been his journalism obligation
to also invite representative of HRCSA into Program
to know their Opinion legally in principle in this
27. The Respondents at S.No.4 and S.No.7.
Both the Parties have been arranged pre-plan Program
its recording and telecasting the same conjointly as
28. The Party to Petition at S.No.7. The
Respondent together with Anchor was remained
laughing consecutively & wittily upon Human Rights
Commission for South Asia.
29. The Party to Petition at S.No.4. The
Respondent is accustomed making statements on
different T.V. Channels against Armed Forces of
Pakistan besides to Program under reference. The
recorded Video attached for kind perusal. (Annex-G)
30. The Respondent at S.No.4 has been
serving as “Interpreter” of former President of
Pakistan & it Party PPPP (Pakistan People Party
31. The Party to Petition at S.No.4. The
Respondent holds elected membership in Senate
through PPPP (Pakistan People Party
32. The Respondent at S. No.4 calls and
admits Mr. Bilal Bhutto Zardari as his Chairman.
33. The Respondent at S. No.4 participates
in organizational Meeting of PPPP in the capacity as
member of the Party (Pakistan People
34. The Party to Petition at S.No.4. The
Respondent Senator Farhatullah Babar in case having
had suspicious in his mind about HRCSA, he could has
been obtained information from Pakistan Embassy at
Stockholm Sweden or acquired report from the
Investigating Agencies in Pakistan.
35. Pakistan Human Rights Committee Senate
is completely partial and political.
36. The Pakistan Human Rights Committee
(Senate) consisting of (12) Members. All the members
are relating to Politics except Mr. Mohsin Khan
Laghari whereas the Chairperson
Nasreen Jalil affiliates with M.Q.M (Mutahidah Qaumi
Movment) Pakistan. The Four Members i.e. M/s Ahtizaz
Ahsan, Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar Awan Mutharma Sehar
Kamran attached with PPPP (Pakistan People Party
Parliamentarian). Likewise the remaining Members
also belong to PPPP.
37. The Chairperson (Mrs. Nasreen Jalil) of
Pakistan Human Rights Committee (Senate) whose has
been affiliated with M.Q.M proclaims herself being
afflicted by Pakistan Rangers.
38. The Chairperson’s Party (M.Q.M.
Pakistan) and its Founder & Chief Mr. Altaf Hussain
ever have an ogle in misbehaving & misconduct to
Pakistan Armed Forces especially Pakistan Rangers.
39. The Chairperson Human Rights Committee
(Senate)’s Party (M.Q.M) and its Founder & Chief Mr.
Altaf Hussain shouting & raising Slogan by himself
& Party members as well, repugnant o Pakistan.
40. The Chairperson’s Party and its
Founder & Chief (M.Q.M.) Mr. Altaf Hussain has
already been convicted by Army Court on the charge
to setting the National Flag of Pakistan on fire at
Shrine of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
41. The Chairperson’s Party (M.Q.M.) and
its Founder & Chief were continuing in disgracing
the Director General Pakistan Rangers by name
42. The Chairperson Human Rights Committee
(Senate) can not speak out against her Party’s
Founder & Chief Mr. Altaf Hussain on shouting out
Slogan against Pakistan.
43. The Respondent at S. No.4‘s Party PPPP
(Pakistan People Party Parliamentarian) ruling &
holding sway in Sindh Province even at present
engages in cold politics strife.
44. The Respondent at S.No4’s Party (PPPP)
& its President’s fast friendliness Doctor Asim
Hussain including other Persons arrested causing
uneven relationships with Pakistan Rangers.
Therefore Respondent’s prominent Leaders of PPPP
talk openly against Pakistan Rangers on Media merely
very reason.
45. The Party to the Petition at S.No.4.
The Respondent’s Party (PPPP) central President is
Mr. Asif Ali Zardari.
46. The Respondent at S.No.4’s Chairman
is Mr. Bilawal Bhottu Zardari (PPPP).
47. The Pakistan People Party
Parliamentarian (PPPP) and Pakistan People Party are
two Parties having separate
48. The Petitioner/Applicant submits
solemnly & humbly that:-
In the
best interest of Common man & in accordance with
legal right & basic right delegated in Constitution
of Pakistan in Part Two Chapters one to enforce any
of above legal rights and to protect the same
following to deflection from Rules of Procedures &
Regulation prescribed in Constitution of Pakistan in
the light of aforesaid Chapter. In the context of
basic rights & jurisdiction delegated to Honorable
Court under Constitution Article 4,8,25,37 & 184
(3). The Petitioner has, in the light of aforesaid
Articles & Clauses and for the sake of rights to
human beings on derelict to basic Rights, in the
best interest and benefits of masses, submitted
righteous application to knock at the door of
honorable Court. The Petition do believes &
determines for justice in the light of aforesaid
Articles/Clauses of Constitution of Pakistan. The
Honorable Court has also been ordered in various
Law-suits & issued verdicts particularly in “Dual
Nationality Cases” for instance:-
PLD 2000 SC 84
PLD 2006 SC 394
AIR 2002 SC 350
PLD 2004 SC 600
The Honorable Court has, while
adjudging the Case bearing No. PLD 2004 SC 482
settled that:
“Petitioner must show that he is
litigating in Public interest and for public good or
for welfare of general Public.
Petitioner in public interest litigation can agitate
on his behalf and also on
behalf of general public against various public
on their failure to perform
their duties relating to welfare of public at
large, which
they are bound to provide under
relevant laws.”
also in case of violating basic Rights, the
afflicted Person may proceed in taking action on the
basal of Principle, which may put leniency. In case
of violation of basic rights, any Person may take
action for a group or class with bonafide attention.
Various examples are on the records set by the
Honorable Court for instance:-
(AIR 1971 SC 2003) (AIR
1979 SC1626) (PLD 1975 SC 506)
(PLD 1988 SC 416) (1992
MLD 2238).
49. Additional submissions with facts shall
humbly be presented before the Honorable
during the hearing.
view of above mentioned facts and humbly
presentation of evidences, it is prayed that the
Respondent at S. No.4, Mr. Farhatullah Babar,
finding him deviating from Article 62, 63 &
ineligible him under article 53 of Constitution of
Respondent at S. No.4 underwent falsehood,
insincere, breaching the trust. The Respondent being
a member to Pakistan Human Rights Committee Senate,
while participated in a Program “Zara Hat Kai”
arranged on dated 16 Aug 2016 by a Private Channel
“Dawn” (T.V. Channel) blurting out the repute
world-wide Human Rights Commission for South Asia as
spurious Organization
Respondent at S. No.4 as many as venomous statements
into Print/Electronic Media also against the report
of HRCSA, the Operation “Zarb-e-Azb” which achieved
splendid successes
Armed Forces settled it as controversial. It may be
understood that Pakistan Rangers on one hand are
performing their national obligation to up root the
crime, to eradicate terrorism and drastic action
against corrupt elements that plundered nation’s
wealth in Karachi including in Sindh. The
Respondent at S.No.4 has been initiated malafide
steps to sabotage the categorical operation against
nation’s enemies:
Respondent at S. No.4 may b declared ineligible
under Articles 62, 63, 4, 25 of Constitution of
Pakistan and under Political Party Order 2002 &
Article 5 for possessing Dual Party Membership like
wise Dual Nationality, the precedent of which is
exist on the record of honorable Court.
further prayed that:-
The Chairman PEMRA at S. No.6 & Chief
Executive Officer “Dawn” T.V. Channel at S.No.7 may
be ordered to initiate legal action for arranging a
Program “Zara Hat Kai” for creating bigotry,
falsehood, disgracing institute of Armed Force,
Pakistan Rangers and on account of settling
prominent HRCSA as spurious through aforesaid T.V.
Channel as per PEMRA rules- And
The Chief Executive Officer “Dawn” T.V.
Channel at S. No.7 may be ordered to expunge the
controversial Program “Zara Hat Kai” from “ You
Tube” immediately and arrange a new Program in lieu
of telecasted on dated 16 Aug 2016. The
participation of representative from Human Rights
Commission for South Asia may certainly be expedient
into new Program. The Respondent at S. No.7 must
regret for disgracing, insulting HRCSA & settling it
as spurious/fake. And
The Respondents at S. No 4 & at S. No.7 may
be ordered for necessary compensation
to the damages incurred to Human
Rights Commission for South Asia, and for the
relief under the rules in conformity
with honorable court decision. I humbly
prayed for justice dignifying to HRCSA.
Syed Muhammad Iqbal Kazmi
Sep: 2016
Representing Human Rights Commission for South Asia
Stationed at Pakistan
Floor Court view building
Jinnah Road, Karachi
Cell #